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Google Adsense 수익 예상

by 그냥그렇듯이 2019. 4. 22.

An example

Here’s an example of how this works, based on some reasonable assumptions.

  • Desired revenue = $10 a day
  • Cost per click = 30 cents per click
  • Average pages/session = 1.5
  • Percent of visitors without ad block = 70%
  • Average click-through rate = 2%

This would work out as follows:

  1. Take the revenue that you want to earn ($10) and turn it into cents: 1,000
  2. Divide the number of cents (1,000) by the average cost per click (30); this will tell you how many clicks you need to get your desired revenue: 33
  3. Next, divide the number of clicks you need (33) by your average page click-through rate (2% — 0.02) the percent of visitors without ad block (70% — 0.7); this will tell you how many page views you need: 2,381
  4. Finally, divide that number (2,381) by the average number of pages/session (1.5) = 1,587 visitors
  5. This will give you the total number of visitors that you need to earn your revenue ($10) = 1,587

Money From AdSense — Calculate How Many Visitors You Need

Learn how many visitors your website needs to attract to make money through Google AdSense.

